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Hardworking Granite Staters deserve leaders who will work to create a New Hampshire where everyone has the opportunity to succeed.



Hardworking Granite Staters deserve leaders who will work to create a New Hampshire where everyone has the opportunity to succeed.

Couple Paying Bills

Rather than develop policies that would help the Granite Staters who struggle to make ends meet, radical New Hampshire lawmakers have instead rewarded wealthy corporations and high net worth individuals with tax cuts all while focusing on the social issues that divide us.


We deserve leaders who will advance policies that respect hardworking Granite Staters, not the big companies that bribe politicians and buy influence.

When it comes to the economy, Granite Staters deserve to have an even playing field, where hard work is rewarded, big corporations pay their fair share, and the ultra-rich can’t bend the rules in their favor. That means having access to good paying jobs that can help people get ahead and live the life they want.

School children in class with hands raised

While parents and schools can help students learn the critical skills they’ll need to succeed, politicians shouldn’t be deciding what students can and cannot learn. An excellent education includes teaching students an honest accounting of history, the good and the bad. We deserve leaders who are fighting for schools that better prepare students to succeed in the future.


By investing in education and in our state, we can make New Hampshire a place where our children want to and can afford to live when they are grown.

Every New Hampshire child should have the opportunity to succeed. We can’t be short-sighted when it comes to our kids. Investing in public education creates prosperous communities and future economic success. 

Advocates Holding Signs for Reproductive Rights

Extremist New Hampshire lawmakers have betrayed Granite Staters’ trust by passing the most restrictive abortion ban in modern New Hampshire history. In fact, New Hampshire is the only state in New England that does not protect access to abortion in state law. 


We deserve leaders who represent the vast majority of Granite Staters who believe abortion should be safe, legal, and accessible, leaders who will work to expand access to reproductive care. 

According to polling conducted by Amplify NH, a super majority or 87% of Granite Staters support reproductive freedom. No matter how people personally feel about abortion, Granite Staters agree that government should not interfere in personal decisions that are better left to women and their doctors.

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